At Modoc’s we pride ourselves on serving fresh, hot, delicious coffee. We love to see a customer’s thirst quenched and their cravings quelled. Be it a latte, Americano, or frappe, we like to think our beverage options far surpass those of an at home coffee maker, gas station, or other popular unnamed coffee chains. We understand you have a choice in where your caffeinated concoctions are made, and we hope to provide an enjoyable and carefree experience each time you visit. That being said, we realize that ordering your coffee is quite literally like trying to speak a foreign language. It can often be overwhelming, confusing, and even a little intimidating. If you’ve ever stared blankly at our menu and wondered what any of those fancy-schmancy words mean, fear not. You are not alone! Maybe you ordered a drink with the expectation of a sweet, satisfying blend of deliciousness, only to receive a strong coffee-flavored cup of foam. We suppose we’ve got some explaining to do! Let’s take a look at our coffee bar drinks and clear up some confusion. First, let’s discuss our BREWED COFFEE. If you love a good ol’ cup of Joe, our brewed coffee is the drink for you! We sell a ton of different roasts ranging from light to dark. The darker the roast, the stronger and bolder the coffee will taste. Kenya AA is the darkest roast we brew. A lighter roast like our Breakfast Blend will taste less rich and more mild. We offer a variety of flavored coffee. For the perfect blend of butterscotch and hazelnut try our Highlander Grog. It is the favorite of locals and visitors alike. We recommend you try them all! Now for a different type of coffee...ESPRESSO. Often mispronounced “ex-presso,” Espresso is a very strong, highly concentrated building block of most of our coffee bar options. Espresso is typically served in one ounce portions referred to as shots. One shot is a single, two is a double, and so on and so on. It is enjoyed on its own or used to make other drinks. ![]() Next, the CAPPUCCINO (cap-uh-chino). This one gets a little tricky. Stop in at any convenience store and you’ll undoubtedly see a machine that dispenses a flavored, hot liquid claiming to be Cappuccino. The only problem is, that liquid is not the same cappuccino available at coffee shops. Because of this, many people are shocked and frustrated when they are served a correctly-made cappuccino for the first time. The real deal is layered with espresso, steamed milk, and a whole bunch of thick, foamed milk. You can sweeten it up or drink it as is depending on your preference. ![]() This brings us to the LATTE (la-tay). Lattes are made with espresso, steamed milk, and a small layer of foam on top. Served with or without a syrup flavor, these drinks are our most popular option. They are considered milkier than Cappuccinos and have a nice balance of coffee and milk. Order your latte Breve style if you like your drinks extra creamy, and instead of milk, we’ll use half and half. If you need your chocolate fix, order a MOCHA (moke-uh)’s just a chocolate latte! On a warm day, try a latte over ice for something more refreshing. ![]() Let’s move on to the MACCHIATO (mock-ee-auto). Getting its name from the Italian word for stained, this drink is made by “staining” foamed milk with espresso. It is quite foamy and is similar to a Cappuccino. The espresso, however, is poured on top of the drink through the foam allowing the bold coffee flavor to blend into the layers of milk. Macchiatos are often offered with caramel, but keep in mind many coffee shops market caramel Macchiatos as their signature drink. Several syrups might be combined to create their signature flavor. Here at Modoc’s, we offer any syrup flavor with our Macchiatos! Another popular drink we offer is the AMERICANO (Ameri-con-o). Although this is a fairly simple drink, it is packed with a bold coffee flavor. The Americano is made with hot water and topped off with espresso. This is a great choice if you don’t care for the milkiness of a latte, but love the flavor of espresso. It’s common for people to add a splash of milk, half and half, or even a syrup flavor just to spruce it up a bit.
On to the FRAPPE (frap-ay). Because they are blended with ice, these drinks are perfect for a hot day or if you prefer to drink your dessert. We offer a large variety of frappe flavors with or without coffee. The Cookies and Cream frappe is a great coffee-free option while the Java Chip Frappe is a nice blend of coffee and chocolate flavor. Top it off with whipped cream to satisfy your sweet tooth. Last but definitely not least, the CUBAN (cube-en). This is a delightful variation of a latte. Made with steamed milk and foam, this delicious drink has sugar in the raw and cinnamon layered right into the espresso. It is already slightly sweet, but it is great with a splash of vanilla bean, caramel, or just about anything. Ask any of our baristas, and they will tell you this is, by far, their favorite drink! They will rave about it’s flavor being life-changing and awe-inspiring. Be warned though, you might not ever want to try another coffee drink’s that delicious! Now you know the basics and you’ve earned your barista badge. We hope we cleared up some confusion. Now it’s up to you to find your signature flavor. Mix syrups! Add extra shots! Go wild! Between our drink choices, our huge variety of syrup flavors, and your imagination, the possibilities are practically endless! Just like in life, you’ll never know until you try, and we’re glad to be here when you do! If you’re still unsure, don’t worry. We’re always available to help cure your cravings and your curiosity...all you have to do is ask. We hope to see you soon during your next ordering adventure!
![]() ...with stained glass windows that is ;) So, the renovations continue to make the historic face of Modoc's even brighter with a brilliant and beautiful stained glass edition! What is even more exciting is... that's not all folks! We still have another side to add a picture perfect piece to! Keep on the lookout for this beauty to appear! This is yet another way Modoc's is keeping our nostalgic and historic presence in Wabash. We refurbished the original glass to bring life to it again.. for your viewing pleasure, of course! But don't take our beauty at face value... Modoc's Market is so much more than pretty stained glass windows, a neat-o belt driven fan, and modernly rustic decor. We are a place to experience small town charm within a historic coffee shop setting. We're a haven for wifi induced studying; a go-to spot for business/group meetings; a destination for the long-time-no-see catch ups; and most of all, we're the pep in your step with an immense variety of coffee/non-coffee drinks to warm your heart and soothe your soul...or to satisfy that sweet tooth/caffeine addiction ;) We want you to experience Modoc's for yourself! If you're a regular visitor: try something new, gain a new perspective. If you're a welcomed visitor: explore, ask questions; discover a new-to-you drink. As always, we hope you come back for more, and more! Break free and espresso yourself with Modoc's Market! Hello Modoc's enthusiasts! Long time no chat! Ok, let's quickly recap: I don't know about you, but isn't our remodel simply stunning!?! A huge thank you to everyone who put so much hard work into every exceptional detail; to those who supported us before, during, and after; and to our new Modoc's fans (high five)! You mocha us so happy! ;)
Alrighty, now for the latest and greatest. With new gadgets and new newness of Modoc's Market comes new products! (Are you sitting on the edge of your seat?...thought so.) With a warm breeze in the salty air, the sun shinning briskly in the sky, a boat set sail on an adventure. This boat had hopes of bringing happiness to a small town: a small town which housed a quaint coffee shop. Onward and away this small boat traveled, across the spans of ocean away from its Italian home. "Addio vecchio, ciao nuovo." (Goodbye old, hello new.) Having the hopes of baristas in it's sails, the boat slowly budged towards America. A new home in Wabash, Indiana awaited precious cargo of the small, but mighty vessel. What, may you be asking, was on this slow moving boat from Italy? The story continues... Hither and tither, to and fro, here and there went the cherished package: From Italy to another docking station, from that docking station to the next, from the next docking station to trudging trucks, hands of many moving and loading the package, anticipating its arrival to its new home. Onward and away went this esteemed parcel.. Until finally, after many days of cautious travel, the beloved bundle arrived home. Modoc's Market is proud to present our new bundle of espresso jolt... Aurelia Simonelli!!! Isn't she a beaut?! Our shiny, sleek, and adorable Aurelia Simonelli has been installed and is waiting to be perked up to provide delicious Modoc's espresso! Are you excited or what?!? Before you know it, Modoc's Market espresso bar will be open and thriving once again! We are so close to our remodel completion!
Hello and welcome to another update of our Modoc's remodel! Our team of workers have been busy bees putting together our new coffee bar, ceiling, light fixtures, and tiny touches of glam! See for yourself... We are stepping up the pace with a lot of new additions: marble faced coffee bar, luscious red floor color, mix-matched café dishes, and so much more!! Would you just look at our new light and ceiling combo! WOW! Modoc's is both more efficient and more decadent in all aspects! Yes, this first picture is a view from behind the bar. Double sinks, more work space, and check out that ice bin (second picture)! Want to know something else? These items are just the beginning of our fancy new gadgets! The third picture is a view from the front door looking in and to the side. Notice the exposed brick hugging a cream border with earthy green and sharkskin gray surrounding the room. Our new coffee bar/cash wrap room creates a charmingly chill environment for our wonderful customers (hey, that's you!).
We still have a long way to go, but you can't rush perfection! ;) Stay tuned..... the journey of our new espresso machine is up next! We're raising the bar (literally). From when you walk in from the front door until you round the corner, our new and more efficient coffee bar is well on its way! If you're a die-hard Modoc's observer, you will notice how far out our coffee bar is now. This means our amazing barista team has more space to create your favorite coffee bar drinks (Cuban latte, green smoothie, dirty chai, Butterfinger/cheesecake frappe, caramel macchiato, choffee...and SO much more!). How exciting is this?! Again, we appreciate your support, your patience, and your continued curiosity of Modoc's remodel! :) Oh wait! Almost forgot.... Check out the très chic look! Ooh la la!
To answer that question: not our ceiling! Check out that void! We may be in over our heads with renovations, but the sky is the limit! Modoc's is looking different, eh? :) And to shed some light on the renovation topic.. Some of you may be concerned that a new Modoc's face means a new Modoc's atmosphere. Rest assured, Modoc's lovers: We are still the same nostalgic, friendly, and quaint coffee shop we have always been, just with a bit more "shing, shing..sparkle, sparkle!" Not to bring up the (ugh, sigh) "S" word, but Modoc's is not and never will be like Starbucks EVER! We are a small town, down to earth, historic, one-of-a-kind coffee shop eager to serve the community (one cup of Grog at a time...or a Cuban latte, whatever you prefer)! We have efficiency and customer service in mind!
Well, Modoc's fans, it happened: Modoc's closed the door and blocked out the windows.. (tehe, so secretive!). Thank you so much for being apart of our journey as we embark on this new and exciting change! We appreciate your support! Our remodel is well on its way! No worries! We are delighted to serve you the very best coffee and the most delicious muffins, not to mention lunch offerings as well! We're serving it up in the second room... and just in time for HIGHLANDER GROG FRIDAY!! (whoot whoot!!). Check it out! Quite cozy if you ask us... ;) But don't take our word for it, stop in for a look-see! Guess what? We're going to give you a little sneak peek (as promised) of the changes taking place! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the slide show of our remodeling commencement! ;) WE'RE SO EXCITED!!! Stay connected with Modoc's Market via Facebook, Twitter, and our website to keep up with the remodel!
You've been asking, so here's our answer in a blog! :)
All of this will be available to you from 6:30am until 11:30am Monday-Saturday. |